Thursday, March 17, 2011

Chocolate Hills of Bohol

Chocolate Hills

Chocolate Hills

Chocolate Hills are probably Bohol tourist attraction famous. They look like giant mole hills, or as some say, women's breasts, and remind us of the hills of the design of a small child. Most people who first see pictures of this landscape can not believe that these hills are not artifacts of human origin. However, this idea quickly abandoned when the effort would surely surpass the construction of the pyramids in Egypt. chocolate hills consist of no less than 1268 hills (some claim it's the exact number). They are very uniform in shape and mostly between 30 and 50 feet high. They are covered with grass, which at the end of the dry season is chocolate brown. From this color, the hills derive their name. At other times, the green hills and the association may be a little difficult to do.

Legend has it that the hills were created when two giants threw stones and sand at each other in a battle that lasted several days. When exhausted, finally, became friends and left the island, but left behind the mess they made. For the more romantically inclined AROG is the story of a young and very strong giant who fell in love with a girl named Aloya ordinary mortals. After his death, the giant AROG wept bitterly. Her tears turned to the hills, as proof of their lasting pain.

But until that day, even geologists have not reached agreement on how they are formed. The most commonly accepted theory is that they are impaired formations of a kind of marine limestone on top of an impermeable layer of clay. If you climb 214 steps to the hilltop observation near the complex, you can read this explanation on a bronze plaque.

Getting there

Many tourist guides and tour operators will be happy to take you to the chocolate hills, either as a separate trip or as part of a day trip. But if you want to go here on your own, Tagbilaran, you must go to the bus station built in Dao and catch a bus going to Carmen. If you're like a stranger, you'll have a hard time not finding one. At the entrance to the bus terminal people will point you towards the right bus. Make sure it is the first to leave, and ask the driver to drop you at the Chocolate Hills complex, about 4 km before the town of Carmen. From there, it's a 10 minute walk along a winding road to the complex.

Going back to Tagbilaran, you have to go back to the main road and wait for a bus pass. The last bus from Carmen to Tagbilaran leaves 4:00 Alternatively, you can use the services of motorcyclists who often wait here for a tour and taxi Habal-Habal "or motorcycle Ride '.

If you come from Tubigon (from Cebu by boat), a few buses go to Carmen daily, but sometimes you have to wait a bit for the bus to refuel. When you arrive in Carmen, you can catch the next bus or jeepney in the direction of Bilar, Loay or Tagbilaran, or ask a 'habal-habal' driver to take you to the Chocolate Hills Complex.
Where to stay

If you want to stay in the hills of chocolate, which have very few options. The facility only manages Hills Station Government chocolate. Today, the hotel is under renovation and expansion, but as the funds are exhausted, the work on the suspension, and you have to deal with the mess of half the entire season. However, the staff is friendly, and if you stay here overnight and see the sun rise over this bizarre landscape is worth the inconvenience. The site also features a swimming pool remains functional and stay behind the unfinished building, a little down.

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