Thursday, March 17, 2011

Chocolate Hills of Bohol

Chocolate Hills

Chocolate Hills

Chocolate Hills are probably Bohol tourist attraction famous. They look like giant mole hills, or as some say, women's breasts, and remind us of the hills of the design of a small child. Most people who first see pictures of this landscape can not believe that these hills are not artifacts of human origin. However, this idea quickly abandoned when the effort would surely surpass the construction of the pyramids in Egypt. chocolate hills consist of no less than 1268 hills (some claim it's the exact number). They are very uniform in shape and mostly between 30 and 50 feet high. They are covered with grass, which at the end of the dry season is chocolate brown. From this color, the hills derive their name. At other times, the green hills and the association may be a little difficult to do.

Legend has it that the hills were created when two giants threw stones and sand at each other in a battle that lasted several days. When exhausted, finally, became friends and left the island, but left behind the mess they made. For the more romantically inclined AROG is the story of a young and very strong giant who fell in love with a girl named Aloya ordinary mortals. After his death, the giant AROG wept bitterly. Her tears turned to the hills, as proof of their lasting pain.

But until that day, even geologists have not reached agreement on how they are formed. The most commonly accepted theory is that they are impaired formations of a kind of marine limestone on top of an impermeable layer of clay. If you climb 214 steps to the hilltop observation near the complex, you can read this explanation on a bronze plaque.

Getting there

Many tourist guides and tour operators will be happy to take you to the chocolate hills, either as a separate trip or as part of a day trip. But if you want to go here on your own, Tagbilaran, you must go to the bus station built in Dao and catch a bus going to Carmen. If you're like a stranger, you'll have a hard time not finding one. At the entrance to the bus terminal people will point you towards the right bus. Make sure it is the first to leave, and ask the driver to drop you at the Chocolate Hills complex, about 4 km before the town of Carmen. From there, it's a 10 minute walk along a winding road to the complex.

Going back to Tagbilaran, you have to go back to the main road and wait for a bus pass. The last bus from Carmen to Tagbilaran leaves 4:00 Alternatively, you can use the services of motorcyclists who often wait here for a tour and taxi Habal-Habal "or motorcycle Ride '.

If you come from Tubigon (from Cebu by boat), a few buses go to Carmen daily, but sometimes you have to wait a bit for the bus to refuel. When you arrive in Carmen, you can catch the next bus or jeepney in the direction of Bilar, Loay or Tagbilaran, or ask a 'habal-habal' driver to take you to the Chocolate Hills Complex.
Where to stay

If you want to stay in the hills of chocolate, which have very few options. The facility only manages Hills Station Government chocolate. Today, the hotel is under renovation and expansion, but as the funds are exhausted, the work on the suspension, and you have to deal with the mess of half the entire season. However, the staff is friendly, and if you stay here overnight and see the sun rise over this bizarre landscape is worth the inconvenience. The site also features a swimming pool remains functional and stay behind the unfinished building, a little down.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Pearl Farm Island Resort

Pearl Farm Island Resort

Pearl Farm Island Resort

Take a trip to Davao a memorable and enjoyable. We recommend the following sites and attractions to visit while you are in Davao City.

Located in a remote island off the coast of Samal Davao City, Pearl Farm Island Resort is the best place to relax. It is about 45 minutes by boat from Davao City.

Rightly called the pearl farm, this is a private first-class resort was once the place where the pearls are cultivated white, pink and gold in a special breed of oysters on the island of Sulu.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

samal island white beaches

samal island white beaches

The Philippines is known for its many picturesque islands, but interestingly enough, even though hundreds of islands, it has to offer, there are still a few that seem to stand above the rest. Samal Island is one of them and because it is the unspoiled beauty has attracted many visitors each year.

There is absolutely nothing to do with Samal Island. Her beauty, tranquility and wildlife treasure, it has to offer is like no other. The trick is that you will not appreciate until you experience it for yourself. And once you do, you'll see paradise. Samal Island is located in Davao del Norte and is regarded as a second class city. Since then he has a lot of lush gardens and scenes of nature-filled, it is known as the Garden City of Samal Island or IGaCoS.

Palawan Caves

Palawan Caves

The cave complex is located on Tabone Lipuun Point, Quezon, Palawan. It is a rugged cliff of 138 hectares and deep gorges. Discovered by an American, the late Dr. Robert B. Fox and his team of archaeologists from the National Museum in 1962. The discovery of the caves have provided an important archaeological site found - human fossil bones tentatively dated from 22,000 to 24,000 years. Excavations were conducted from 1962 to 1970. Of the 200 caves in Lipuun Point only 29 caves have been fully explored, including Cave Tabone, who was found was used for residential purposes and / or burial grounds of the elderly.

Because of its importance for the history and heritage of the Philippines, the site was declared a museum reserve under Presidential Proclamation No. 996 in 1972 by the Philippine government. Of the 29 explored caves, only three caves, or open to visitors. Tabon cave complex is currently maintained and administered by the National Museum. Tabon cave complex is a bench about 30 minutes from the city of Quezon, a municipality in southern Palawan. It is 155 kilometers from Puerto Princesa City.

Palawan Caves and Mountain Peaks

Palawan Caves and Mountain Peaks

Palawan Caves and Mountain Peaks

Caves of El Nido is a black marble and limestone cliffs contain large caves with whimsical names like Cathedral Cave and Disco Cave, since their formation. Palawan St. Paul National Park is Palawan's most popular attraction and covers 5,349 acres of lush forest, dark mountains, caves and white sand beaches. Deep in the recesses of the marble and limestone peaks of Mt. St. Paul flow the Underground River, said to be the longest in the world. It 's easy to navigate, at least four miles. The caves are filled with sculpture filigree, as formed by stalactites and stalagmites. Near his mouth is a beautiful lagoon, crystal clear water teeming with fish. Even within the park is the Monkey Trail, a series of wooden paths wind through the woods, where monkeys, squirrels, lizards and about 60 species of birds can be found.

maria cristina falls

maria cristina falls

Maria Cristina Falls is a waterfall on the island of Mindanao and the landmark of Iligan City, also known as the City of Majestic Waterfalls for its majestic waterfalls. It is located 8.5 km southwest of the city proper. Known for its natural beauty and grandeur of the falls is 320 meters high, is also a primary source of power industries in the city and the region of Mindanao. NPC has set up a power plant standing outside Maria Christina Falls.

lake sebu zipline

lake sebu zip

Lake Sebu, South Cotabato has many cultural attractions and natural makes it an attractive destination for tourists who want more than the usual fate. After making my way to Lake Sebu General Santos City airport, I spent the afternoon exploring the different parts of the city of interest.

First on the list are seven waterfalls and Seven Falls, a series of cascades majestically lined up one after another. The easiest to reach is the first case (named Dongon Hikong Falls or Alu in the local language) which require a minimum of walking. If these two are the hardest to reach because it requires a long hike into the valley to see them.

The government of South Cotabato province has sought to consolidate trails which is great because it makes it easier to walk. But unfortunately, the design of the infrastructure that has accompanied the project, including the arc of reception and function by the second fall, which is obviously not much thought, fall like a cheap theme park region. What do they expect government engineers anyway? You may not realize it, but the Philippines are among the worst in government infrastructure in the developed world because it allows our engineers to design things, not architects.

The first list is seven or Falls Seven Falls is a series of majestic waterfalls lined up one after another. The easiest access is the first part (called Dongon Falls Hikong Alu or local language), which requires very little walking. Although the latter two are the hardest to reach, because it requires a long walk towards the valley floor to see them.

It is quite unfortunate because each of the seven waterfalls has a name that describes the various stunts T'boli. And if the provincial government had visions, they must have spent T'boli design inspiration for the ark of welcome, function rooms and they built huts. When you create the infrastructure for tourist attractions, local authorities have to provide many thoughts and ensure that the design blended with the environment in which they are incorporated or are representative of local culture. Because if they do things to chance or without flavor, is destroying the attraction people come to visit.

That said, the fall of Seven are still worth the visit because even now there are structures in the area, the views are always free of obstructions. It would be better to put a lot of culture T'boli in the design of tourism infrastructure.